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  1. News and Announcements

    Home page for news and news related to bulk ink Lexmark and Lexmark printers. In this area we SULINK will make available the news and news made by us and also by the outside. If you are waiting for the latest about Lexmark printers keep an eye out here. You can only post in on topics already created, you can not create new topics.

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  2. Help and Support

    This page is designed for questions, support and general help on Lexmark printers, in it you can create topics with your questions so that other forum members, technicians or administrators assist in the solution. After creating your topic, wait until they respond, if your question is resolved post the solution in the topic and close the topic. For exclusive help via ticket support in the customer area where you will get the direct response from a Sulink technician you must be a VIP member.

  3. Tutorials, Videos and Files

    Lexmark exclusive printers for VIPS, you will find full tutorials, videos, files and manuals of use, bulk ink, maintenance of Lexmark printers. In this area we SULINK will provide tutorials and videos for the members to see, so it is possible to only post within the topics already created, and it is not possible to create new topics.

  4. VIP Tutorials, Videos and Files

    This page focuses on tutorials, videos, and files about Lexamark printers exclusive to VIPS. Here you'll find comprehensive tutorials, videos, files and manuals for use, bulk ink, Lexamark printer maintenance.

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  5. Tutorials and Videos Member Tutorials

    Page for tutorials and videos about Lexamark printers made by forum members. If you are a member of our forum and would like to contribute to other members post here your videos and tutorial related to Lexamark printers.

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  6. Request Your Video!

    Page exclusively directed to posting videos made directly to the customer who requested it. How to have a video here? The customer will contact us making a donation or budget to be made a unique video for his problem or doubt. Example: Customer requested "Lexmark Cartridge Refill" video then we created this video within the stipulated deadline and posted it with the appropriate information of the customer that requested it.

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  7. General Parts

    This page aims to exchange information of parts that you need, but it is difficult to find out in the market. Post here the piece that needs some user to have to offer you or even us from Sulink. Example: I request Lexamark logic board and the topic telling you what you need, after that wait for some user to contact you if owning the part, remembering that the contact and phone information should be sent only by private and not in the posting of the open topic. Read the rules in the "RULES" topic.

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